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Sponsoren gesucht

Warum Unternehmen von Tabuthemen profitieren können. Gemeinsam Tabus brechen und Gutes tun.

Ich suche Unternehmen mit einer ethischen Firmenphilosophie, die sich als Sponsoren für mein Projekt "Trees of Memory" engagieren möchten. Suizidprävention und der Umgang mit Tabuthemen wie psychische Gesundheit sind Herausforderungen, die nicht nur die Gesellschaft, sondern auch Unternehmen betreffen. Durch die Unterstützung solcher Initiativen zeigen Sie als Unternehmen nicht nur Verantwortung, sondern profitieren auch von einer positiven Markenwahrnehmung.

Warum Ihr Unternehmen profitieren kann:
Indem Sie Tabus brechen, setzen Sie ein starkes Zeichen für Offenheit und Empathie. Immer mehr Kunden und Mitarbeitende suchen nach Firmen, die echte Werte vertreten und sich für gesellschaftlich relevante Themen engagieren. Sponsoring für ein Herzensprojekt wie meines zeigt, dass Ihr Unternehmen den Mut hat, sich für das Wohl anderer einzusetzen – und das stärkt nicht nur Ihr Image, sondern auch die Bindung zu Ihren Zielgruppen.

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DALL·E 2024-09-24 21.54.06 - A calm and uplifting image of a person standing in a peaceful

Meine Ausrüstung

Es gibt Ausrüstungsgegenstände die sind jeden Tag im Bild. Sie sind zwischenzeitlich hundertfach im Internet und den sozialen Netzwerken präsent.

Und ich spreche über die Dinge, die ich liebe, wie zum Beispiel mein Zelt und vieles mehr. 

Ich habe meinem Zelt auch noch nie Depressionen oder Suizidgedanken unterstellt. Generell ist der vorangegangene Satz, das erste merkwürdige, sprachliche Konstrukt, das Dinge zusammenbringt, die nichts miteinander zu tun haben.

Wovor scheuen sich also die Unternehmen?

Mir hat man leider keine Flügel verliehen, ich musste sie mir selbst wachsen lassen. 


In the past three years, as founder of TREES of MEMORY, I have generate several million media contacts through reports in

  • various TV shows,

  • as studio guest in various TV formats,

  • as an interview partner on the radio,

  • in print media

  • in national and international reporting 


Broad target group approach

Regional reference: 
I walk through individual federal states. Sponsoring for a limited period of time is possible at any time.

Jersey advertising is usually more long-term than other marketing campaigns. I only carry five T-shirts with me. So your message is seen everywhere and at all times. 

Awareness and reach
Through the partnership with me or our association TREES of MEMORY e.V. you definitely receive a high level of attention.
Your message can not only be placed on my clothes, but also in the credits of my videos or in the powerpoints and films of my lectures.

Little effort: 
Your costs and the organizational effort are very low for you. If you place an ad for 500 to 2000 Euros, you reach your readers for a maximum of two or three days, then it's gone. If I carry your message around with me, you are visible 24/7 for 500 Euro per month, every day. Even if you give up your sponsoring commitment, your message will remain forever in the online media. 

I am the perfect tester:
If you come from the outdoor sector, for example, you will find few people like me. Every day I am out and about in all weathers. Every other day I sleep in a hammock or tent and cook outdoors. This nature is my home for half a year. I always need material that meets the highest standards. What better way to test or show off your products?

Dog Tyrion as brand ambassador:
My dog Tyrion could also become an ambassador for delicious food or your nationwide collection of dog products. 


If I walk through the country with TREES of MEMORY I meet hundreds of people every day. With my unique hiking vehicle and my dog Tyrion I attract attention. I am an eye-catcher. There is not a day that goes by where people do not speak to me directly and I am sometimes in conversation for hours. 

Many of these people offer me their support in the form of donations, dog food or an overnight stay. I spend time with people of all ages and nationalities. Since 2020 I am regularly recognized on the streets because I have a strong media presence and people can remember my story and what I want to achieve with TREES of MEMORY. 

I am a journalist and have taught students at various universities and further education institutes in the various fields of marketing and journalism. 

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I have many ideas how we can combine your commitment with my project in a way that you can achieve a positive value chain.


Please contact me and don't trust those who say that you can't make a sponsoring contract with such a project.

These people have no visions. I have many living visions.


Can you imagine how often I heard that TREES of MEMORY wout not be possible and would be total nonsense?

Meanwhile I am on the road since 2018. 

We have an international association. The number of members doubles every year.

There are dozens of trees.

I have invitations from 13 countries.

Relatively high media presence.

I believed my visions and made them become reality. So, why do you think I couldn´t do the same for you? 

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