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TREES of MEMORY | Spenden-Spendenbescheinigung
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You can help to create attention, to develop projects for the bereaved, and you can create a sign of life, against suicide. 
With your own tree, a tree sponsorship, a donation or  as a member of the association
or as a sponsor of my hiking project

Zum Start des TREES of MEMORY Laufjahres 2022 durch Österreich, Slowenien und Italien wurde bei Feldolling ein Baum der Erinnerung gepflanzt. 

An dieses Stelle möchte ich allen Beteiligten für ihren großartigen Einsatz danken. 

Standort des Baumes in Schwaig/Feldolling

Wir bedanken uns bei den Möglichmacher*innen:

Frau Monika Schindler

Frau Karola Kellner, Podcast „Ober wie der Kellner“

Wasserwirtschaftsamt Herr Dr. Hafner und Herr Slowaczek

Gemeinde Feldkirchen Westerham   Fr. Eva Steininger

Bauhof Gemeinde Feldkirchen Westerham   Hr. Lugmayr und Hr. Gast

Gärtnerei Evi Gampl   Fr. Evi Gampl

Selbsthilfegruppe „Trauer nach Suizid“     Fr. Anneliese Martin

Mut & Courage Bad Aibling e.V.   Fr. Irene Durukan

The vision of my project and the charity with the same name can only succeed with your help. The best way to support me/us is here on my start page by using the donation button.

If you would like to plant and to order a TREE of MEMORY, you can do so directly via this Link 

In order to achieve the goals we have set ourselves as an association, we need members who support our cause and your financial support. In the following you can see which possibilities we can offer as an association. Since all donations are handled by the association and benefit it, you will be automatically redirected to the association's website, which is not translated yet.

Whether as tree sponsor, financial supporter or member of TREES of MEMORY e.V. -

every contribution is a small and incredibly valuable step on my long way.

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